Our Teaching Staff/Students works together changing the future of our villagers. Babies will go to work on their mother's back enabling them to nurse on demand. After weaning, they will move to the Nursery where our loving staff will care for her, changing diapers, and will begin teaching her step by step. At the age of four, the children will enter Pre Kinder Class continuing on to Kinder Class. At age seven, the children will attend Public School crossing the road midday to the Project where they will eat lunch, do her homework, and receive additional teaching. The Public School offers education up to sixth grade. GMO offers additional education up to ninth grade at the Project and then will offer scholarships for those students who would like to learn a trade.
Our Project Kitchen Staff prepare meals/snacks several times a week for the kids of the program. Several times per year they also prepare meals for Project Fiestas that include extended families, conferences, short-term mission groups, and once a year feed the entire community. The snacks each morning can vary; two of the most popular are cereal or french toast and juice. The lunches can range from a typical meal of scrambled eggs with onions and tomatoes, re fried beans, fruit or cookies, to homemade chicken or beef vegetable soup with noodles, gelatin, or hamburger patties, rice or potatoes, fruit or cookies. The food each day fulfills the daily nutritional needs of each student and employee, including multivitamins.
Our Factory Staff have their own large factory building to do their work. The ladies are skilled seamstresses. These workers make a variety of products: small coin purses, bible covers, journal covers, cosmetic bags, eyeglass/bottle holders, aprons, and tote bags all in beautiful typical material. These products help raise more funds for GMO.
Our Building and Maintenance Staff not only groom the grounds, make necessary repairs, but are continually learning new building skills to fulfill our ever growing construction needs.
Our Laundry, Cleaning, and Store Staff work behind the scenes washing huge piles of dirty clothes and scrubbing floors covered with almost "anything". Remember, there are dirt roads with cows, dogs, and horses everywhere. This absolutely essential part of the project is the least glamorous.